A SDR-receiver from the italian SDR developers community:
low-cost “Software Defined Radio” full coverage receiver for all HF bands, 50MHz (6m Band) and 70MHz (4m band), used with powerful software on the PC for multi-mode operation
Documentation |
- FilterBoard assembly&installation guide
- PMSDR italian assembly tips – guida per il montaggio del PMSDR (tnx to Adelmo, IZ6CUS)
- HowTo Compile and Install PMSDR on Linux (Ubuntu)(tnx to Patrick, DH2SPK)
- PMSDR Bau- und Benutzerhandbuch fuer den PMSDR (German assembly and user guide)
- English PMSDR user manual
- Japanese PMSDR user manual
- PMSDR german assembly tips – Bautipps fuer den PMSDR (tnx to Klaus, DK3QN)
- LCD kit assembly manual – Guida per il montaggio del kit LCD
- PMSDR & WinRad English User Guide (translated by Thomas W McIntyre, 2M0TAX)
- SWITCHBOARD italian assembly guide – guida in italiano per il montaggio della switchboard
- Antenna galvanic isolator user & assembly manual – guida per il montaggio e uso dell’isolatore galvanico per antenne
Firmware, Util’s, Drivers & DLL’s |
- DLL’s V3.8rev5 for WinRad (copy these files to the WinRad or HDSDR folder) version history (German installation and setup guide)
- PMSDR V2.5.0 PIC18F4550 Firmware (with support for the FilterBoard, to use only with the Microchip bootloader) version history
- PMSDR firmware V2.1.8 (with support for the PMSDR-Downconverter, to use only with the Microchip bootloader) version history & Firmware installation guide
- WinXP USB drivers only for firmware version V.2.2.0 or higher
- Windows 7/ Windows 8.x USB drivers only for firmware version V.2.2.0 or higher
- 11/10/2015 : Windows 7/8/10 USB drivers from PE0FKO , this driver are 100% compatible to the PMSDR firmware version V.2.2.0 or higher
- Only for firmware versions up to V.2.1.8 : MICROCHIP’s USB Drivers for Win XP/Win7 & Installation guide for MICROCHIP’s USB Drivers for Win XP
- MICROCHIP’s Drivers&Bootloader Setup (to upload the PMSDR-firmware through USB for Win XP)
- PICDEM-FSUSB compatible Bootloader utility for LINUX (to upload the PMSDR-firmware through USB)
- DLL’s V3.8rev2 for PowerSDR-IQ & G8JCFSDR (copy this files to the program folder) version history
- PMSDR control utility for Linux (thanks to Andrea, IW0HDV) & HowToCompileandInstallDttSP
- PMSDR_Control V1.5 (A very simple utility to tune PMSDR without WinRad, useful to use PMSDR with other SW) to use with the DLL’s above
PMSDR2.2 Board (new) |
PMSDR2.12 Board |
- PMSDR on (thanks to Andrea, IW0HDV)
- PMSDR on Freshmeat (thanks to Andrea, IW0HDV)
- PMSDR V2.0 Schematic
- PMSDR V2.12 Schematic
- PMSDR V2.11 part list
- PMSDR V2.0rev4 DLL for WinRad Source Code version history
- PMSDR Control V1.2 Source Code